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发表于 2021-1-16 14:27:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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群里的老师大家好:我的帐户丢失1个,只能登录上一个。邮箱.电话都统一是一个,KYC在老系统已通过。哪位老师知道应该咋样找回?5 d" M  z( N, u2 l) \5 \  ]# b

  c9 h7 f7 ~5 p- A" d2 B3 K/ N答:
" G% u8 p. a* o7 ~7 @0 i9 H1 `标题:帐户丢失,请公司帮助找回- R% C! P2 f1 [  a6 q+ o* p4 e- r
内容:* M, n; C, {# V: s9 v7 U5 M" `0 N- X; S
; C$ F' L' r4 t/ O7 m7 rKYC姓名:San Zhang1 ~3 M: ]' }) d, ~: R
$ |2 Z: `  z1 G
4 @1 S5 T* a) |# r4 |6 n/ U: w我总共有2(有多少填写多少)个账户:: [+ V, y6 z; M! V3 q
% j- C) n. G0 c' l+ l  a; `bbb6669 R( o6 F; @+ j
重置密码后,在主账号aaa666下看不到了另一个bbb666 账户。现在我这个帐户丢失了!,希望能帮找到合并在一起。谢谢!' U+ ~3 C/ I: R# M/ Y( j* Q

4 I7 t+ B6 G& {) u. f0 B  ^6 Z: N英文:8 A# h9 K) G. r3 Q, b) _
标题:The account is lost, please ask the company to help retrieve it
8 a; ?" o8 o7 ~6 j; i6 M3 ^内容:
2 A  e  g; n# d. z7 b) TMy user name: aaa666
7 ], O; o0 x8 xKYC Name: San Zhang1 ^$ n0 F. p0 [9 c- q& y) j
The email address is: abc123@163.com
; w8 {+ p2 I6 R, c
0 o5 H9 z$ h1 @& k; }I have a total of 2 accounts:
3 H. Q' s# r. I( yaaa6661 M+ W% Q# `0 V6 q8 j. P) o- E% D
. u* f9 Q/ [: F1 l& k9 I$ d' U0 m$ ?* M
After resetting the password, another BBb666 account cannot be seen under the main account aaa666. "Now my account is lost!"!, I hope to help find and merge them together. thank you!
' U8 \! @6 V* }* k
, a  z" c/ y' o/ V
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-17 14:41:34 | 显示全部楼层
最新“帮助”里写信模板:+ C+ l! T& W  S- c# {
6 I* I3 M6 l2 T9 Q: y9 r. w' j主题:Could not determine active user. It is possible that more than one user has the same email. Please contact your administrator.9 V$ i5 R3 @  H+ r% e& n! G
描述:My full name is 英文姓名,I used the same email address of two or more different members. Please change my old email 旧邮箱 to the new新邮箱
0 ?8 `/ b+ q  `7 x4 g$ m! h5 `7 r2 R. The account I should associate with is:
. e0 H! S* A% V1. 用户名1
4 D) x% j; \# c% E- |( }# s2. 用户名2
9 S6 _6 F) H) U5 ]7 a  d" o* N3. 用户名 3
9 a! ?7 Z! A4 k/ f4.; u0 W& p; F& s# a# v# s) u9 H; g
5.6 m' o  W5 ~) [
My new phone number is +86新手机号(如果想换新电话号码的话). z9 O" ?6 L3 Z* b( |( N( N
I have attached the identification and address proof documents. In addition, I have attached a proof of payment for the 30 Euro service fee.
$ w) }: X% Z& K$ S/ \
# t  j; D' l2 \! z新系统网址https://portal.onelife.eu/
4 g# ^4 l$ W3 a+ |6 `3 K; q2 k' X- r6 Y' p
! W4 {% x4 x6 K$ @& f
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